Costa Rica second home owners prefer to have water and nature views just like others worldwide.
Often a home buyer makes an enormous error buying where the temperatures are next to unbearable; hence requiring air conditioning day and night. This was O.K. when electricity was inexpensive; however today Costa Rica rates are double to triple compared to many locations in Canada and the U.S.A., and the rates are going higher.
Electrical rates on Costa Rica’s dessert pacific coast can easily surpass $300/month if you desire a comfortable life style. Imagine having a comfortable home without paying hundreds of dollars per month for A/C while enjoying an incredible water view with bountiful tropical flora and fauna to tease your senses.
Costa Rica temperatures generally vary by elevation. At sea level stifling heat and at 1800 feet on Costa Rica’s Lake Arenal for example, you have eternal spring and A/C is not necessary. Remember electrical rates will continue to escalate.
Where most of the year is eternal spring your skin is soft, moist and hair is supple soft at all times. Less illness is experienced from germ ridden car A/Cs most folks encounter at the stifling temperatures on the Pacific’s arid coast. Enjoy your much diverse water and nature views at Lake Arenal where a habitable climate energizes each day. Why vegetate in sweltering heat found on the pacific coast for much of the year.